So I've been a bit quiet over the last few months - sorry about that!
Life's been a bit crazy and I've struggled to keep up with my fitness routine. It's been frustrating to say the least and with the new year around the corner I thought it was the perfect time to set some fitness goals for 2015.
Who's with me!?
It's so great living in beautiful Cape Town - we can just go running after work and on the weekend and enjoy the beautiful scenery and sunshine. I like going to the gym as well and have definitely noticed that if I add some strength training to my running the running is easier. Especially if I focus on my core and do lots of squats and lunges. I feel like if my legs are stronger I just need to worry about my cardio fitness and not so much my legs getting tired.
So - deciding to focus on running for the next couple of months I have set a few goals which I'd like to share - maybe we could even meet up at some of these events and catch up?
31 / 01 / 2015 - Lion of Africa (10km)
21 / 02 / 2015 - Koeberg (15km)
28 / 02 / 2015 - Century City Express (10km)
04 / 03 / 2015 - Lighthouse (10km)
07 / 03 / 2015 - Constantia Village K-WAY (15km)
29 / 03 / 2015 - SPAR Women's Challenge (10km)
25 / 04 / 2015 - Langebaan Country Estate Weskus Half Marathon (21.1km)
I may not end up doing all of them - but my main goal is to do the half marathon in April. I did it for the first time last year and it was fantastic! Such a beautiful run and such a great atmosphere - so definitely want to be a part of that again - this time maybe even a bit better prepared :)
Happy Friday!
Lots of love,
Friday, 19 December 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Friday, 22 August 2014
Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #8
Hello everyone!
WOW - can't believe it's Friday again!
Hope you've all had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend!
I'm going camping for the first time in a LONG time - so I'm excited about that :)
I'd like to share some info with you guys about something that I really struggle with.
You guessed it - PORTION CONTROL!
I don't really have a major problem with what I eat... but portions... hmmm... that's a problem.
I tend to taste test while I cook... not the best thing...
So - here is a guide I found and it's really helped me a lot!
Hope it'll give you a bit on an insight into what healthy portions are.
Please remember that these portions are for meals as well as regular snacking throughout the day - so please don't use this as an excuse to starve yourself. Eating very little is not always the best way.
I find I binge less on things I shouldn't have and lose weight more consistently when I eat more regularly - even if it's just a handful of nuts. That's my opinion anyway :)
Hope this helps just a little. Please share some of your tips in the comments below - I would love to hear from you!
Lots of love,
T xx
Friday, 15 August 2014
Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #7
Hello friends!
I have tried to be as focused as possible the last 2 weeks. I have been more dedicated to living a healthier and balanced lifestyle. I have been doing regular exercise and eating healthier!
I have focused on drinking more water and have cut down (mostly) on eating refined carbs of any kind. No pasta, rice, bread, etc. I have not limited my veggie intake at all though - even though they too contain cabs.
I must admit making dinners has been a challenge - but I think I have mastered a few staples in the last 2 weeks that even my husband has been enjoying! Recipes to follow if you like?
I must admit - I feel great! I feel lighter and have more energy :) It took a while for my body to adjust, but it's been worth it!
I'll definitely try and keep going - with the occasional cheats of course!
Please share your journeys with me - I'd love to hear them. Lets motivate each other :)
Sending lots of love,
Monday, 4 August 2014
Please help...
Hello everyone...
I hope you all had a great weekend?
I've been thinking about doing more regular blogs - on specific days so that I can plan things better. I think the Fitness Friday is working quite nicely - what do you guys think?
So I was thinking of doing a Monday or Tuesday post. It would be a post where I share with you my current fashion, travel, product - anything really - wishlists. Things I'm currently dreaming about... Would that be something you'd like to read about?
Let me know and I'll start sharing soon :)
Big hug,
T xx
Friday, 1 August 2014
Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #5
Hello everyone!
Today I'm focusing on inspiration for reaching your goals. My main aim is to get fit and lean for summer at the end of the year. I want to have the strength and energy to go for hikes and explore this beautiful city of ours without it being a mission.
I am setting myself some goals for the next couple of months including maybe two 10km races and possibly even the Gun Run Half Marathon in October. Eek!
Any of you running any cool races that you can recommend between now and mid October?
ALSO - Joe and I have been dreaming of going back to Thailand someday. We did a group tour a few years ago from Bangkok down through Malaysia and ended in Singapore. We loved it!
And guess what! We're going back!
We booked everything today - and it's really happening! I am sooooo excited :)
What better goal than to be fit and bikini ready for a great beach holiday - I can't think of any!
* * *
Since I have exactly 12 weeks till we go on holiday here is some inspiration:
I'm hoping to get in a nice run this weekend - the weather better play along.
Look out for some pics on my Instagram (@tanjadebruyn) and please tag #sweetpeasunrise in your weekend adventure pics - I'd love to see what you're up to!
Happy weekend!
Have fun and stay safe :)
Big hug,
T xx
Friday, 25 July 2014
Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #4
Hello everyone..
So last week was a bit of a bad one because we went on holiday and I had a few glasses of wine a day - where I usually don't really have any... We had a great time away with family - so it was great to relax a bit. Everything in moderation right?
So - therefore my weigh in last week wasn't great - but that's OK!
This week has been much better - I've been eating better and I have been running quite a bit.
I think I've run about 10km already this week which I'm very happy about.
I set myself (and some colleagues) a random 100squat challenge the other day - and it felt good to be a bit stiff the next day :)
My challenge for the next week is: DRINK MORE WATER!
I have made some progress this week, and although not nearly as much as I would have liked to - but progress is progress nonetheless.
So here's to a GREAT weekend and an inspired week ahead.
Much love,
Friday, 11 July 2014
Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #2
Happy Fitness Friday everyone!
I hope you've all had a good week and have kept yourselves motivated and inspired.
I have certainly tried my best, but it's not always easy. But the key is to have fun!
Since last Friday I have done 3 days of exercise - 2 days cardio and one day of some squats, lunges, situp's and some some sprints etc.
I have been conscious of what I've been eating, but I've also had some yummy pasta dishes, cupcakes and ice-cream... which just shows that you don't necessarily have to cut out all the naughty stuff - it's all about balance and moderation!
From last Friday I have lost 0.2kg - which isn't bad!
I've thought about some of the things that keep me motivated and thought I'd share some:
Try and keep positive. You may not see / feel results immediately - but consistency is key here... don't lose hope when you have a bad week - next week could be great - but you have to keep going to find out!
Try and get into a routine with your exercise, even if it's just 1 or 2 days a week. Stick to the same days and you'll eventually be arranging things around that time you have set out for yourself.
Find someone you enjoy spending time with and get them motivated as well.
It's always more fun to do things with someone - you can share the experiences, rewards and you can keep each other motivated. It can be a friend, co-worker, family member or spouse / partner.
I have managed to combine the last two which is great! I go running with my sister-in-law and my niece Bianca (sometimes Michaela joins us too) every Monday and Wednesday - unless something urgent comes up. But this is a standing arrangement and it's so special to be outside in the fresh air, we can catch up on some girly chat and spend time with Bianca. It's become our little routine which is so special to me. I never want to cancel because I'll miss out on this special time.
I try and go to gym and do some weight training and strength training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Just to get that balance going. I find I can run better if my legs are stronger from doing squats and lunges etc. It helps me run longer and stronger.
How was your week? Let me know in comments below :)
Happy weekend!
Lots of love,
Friday, 4 July 2014
Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #1
Welcome to the first Fitness Friday EVER!
OK - so as I mentioned before, I'm trying to work on my general well being - which to me is finding a balance incorporating both health and fitness. There are so many different 'diets' or eating plans out there at the moment - so I'm trying to find what works for me. I'm not quite sure if avoiding certain food groups completely is right for me at this stage, but I'm definitely going to try and cut down on some and increase others.
I've made a short list of things I'd like to focus on and see if I notice any changes.
* Never skip breakfast!
* Have a high protein breakfast
* Drink more water
* Eat less sugar (artificial sugars - I'm not going to cut out any high sugar content veggies or fruit)
* Eat more green veggies
* Limit refined carbs (white pasta, white bread, white rice) - substitute with brown rice, quinoa and wholewheat pasta when possible
* Exercise a min of 4 times a week (ideally 2 days cardio & 2 days strength / weight training)
And last but not least - my biggest problem I think - Portion control!
So here we go! Who's gonna join me?
My challenge to you:
Choose 2 of the above and try and stick to them as best you can for the next week.
Keep me posted :)
Happy Friday everyone!
Lots of love,
Monday, 30 June 2014
Wellness Challenge
Hello everyone...
Winter is here and I am looking forward to the summer already! Can't wait for days on the beach and in the sun exploring our beautiful Cape Town. Maybe even visiting a tropical island... you never know!
So in preparation for summer (starting now as all good things take time) - I am on a serious mission to get fitter, stronger and healthier. Some ladies at work and I have decided to do a 3 month Wellness Challenge. We chose to call it a 'wellness' challenge - as it's not just about weight loss, but more about general well-being. We are all different and have different goals which we set ourselves to try and become the best US possible.
For some it may be weight, for some toning and centimeters are more important. Others may want to gain some weight and muscle. Whatever your goal may be - join us!
Starting tomorrow, 1 July 2014 - we will be doing weekly weigh-in's and taking measurements every Friday. I will be sharing my personal journey with you and would love it if you joined me!
Let me know what your goals are and how you are planning to achieve them.
I'll be doing a Fitness Friday post every Friday for the next 3 months so come and see what advice or inspiration I have to share with you. I would love to get some tips and inspiration from you too - so please share in the comments below or tag me in your Instagram pics (@tanjadebruyn).
I'm going to take a before shot of myself in a costume (front, side and behind) and will take another pic at the end of the challenge. Maybe we can share all the before and after shots at the end! That would be awesome!
I'll be sharing some of my personal goals right here on Friday.
So here we go! Good luck everyone!
Here's to becoming the best YOU!
Big hug,
T xx
Winter is here and I am looking forward to the summer already! Can't wait for days on the beach and in the sun exploring our beautiful Cape Town. Maybe even visiting a tropical island... you never know!
So in preparation for summer (starting now as all good things take time) - I am on a serious mission to get fitter, stronger and healthier. Some ladies at work and I have decided to do a 3 month Wellness Challenge. We chose to call it a 'wellness' challenge - as it's not just about weight loss, but more about general well-being. We are all different and have different goals which we set ourselves to try and become the best US possible.
For some it may be weight, for some toning and centimeters are more important. Others may want to gain some weight and muscle. Whatever your goal may be - join us!
Starting tomorrow, 1 July 2014 - we will be doing weekly weigh-in's and taking measurements every Friday. I will be sharing my personal journey with you and would love it if you joined me!
Let me know what your goals are and how you are planning to achieve them.
I'll be doing a Fitness Friday post every Friday for the next 3 months so come and see what advice or inspiration I have to share with you. I would love to get some tips and inspiration from you too - so please share in the comments below or tag me in your Instagram pics (@tanjadebruyn).
I'm going to take a before shot of myself in a costume (front, side and behind) and will take another pic at the end of the challenge. Maybe we can share all the before and after shots at the end! That would be awesome!
I'll be sharing some of my personal goals right here on Friday.
So here we go! Good luck everyone!
Here's to becoming the best YOU!
Big hug,
T xx
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Lets get cooking
I've never been much of a recipe follower when to comes to cooking. Baking yes, but not cooking.
I ended up on Jamie Oliver's website the other for some dinner inspiration and I'm totally loving it! It's a great start for me because he makes simple, yet delicious meals - the best thing is they don't take a lot of time - a thing I don't have much of after work and gym / going for a run.
I always end up with a million printed pages that either never get tried or the ones I'd like to to again get lost somewhere in one of many paper piles. I'm sure some of you know exactly what I mean?
So - my latest project - and excuse to go to Typo (yes I have a slight stationary fetish) is to start a cook book with all the recipes I love and would like to make again. I can either write them in and decorate the pages if I'm feeling creative, or I can just stick the printed page right in there - easy!
Let me know what you think or if you have done something similar. I'd love to hear / see! You can either comment below or tag me with @tanjadebruyn or use #sweetpeasunrise on Instagram.
I found a large, bound, hard cover (and obviously very cute!) book and also got some colourful paper strips on sale to decorate some pages.
I'll let you know when I've added a few recipes to show you what it looks like :) In the meantime if you want to share some recipes with me - please do!
Good night for now...
I ended up on Jamie Oliver's website the other for some dinner inspiration and I'm totally loving it! It's a great start for me because he makes simple, yet delicious meals - the best thing is they don't take a lot of time - a thing I don't have much of after work and gym / going for a run.
I always end up with a million printed pages that either never get tried or the ones I'd like to to again get lost somewhere in one of many paper piles. I'm sure some of you know exactly what I mean?
So - my latest project - and excuse to go to Typo (yes I have a slight stationary fetish) is to start a cook book with all the recipes I love and would like to make again. I can either write them in and decorate the pages if I'm feeling creative, or I can just stick the printed page right in there - easy!
Let me know what you think or if you have done something similar. I'd love to hear / see! You can either comment below or tag me with @tanjadebruyn or use #sweetpeasunrise on Instagram.
I found a large, bound, hard cover (and obviously very cute!) book and also got some colourful paper strips on sale to decorate some pages.
Good night for now...
Monday, 23 June 2014
Sunny Saturday & Sunday
It's been so wet and cold here in Cape Town the last couple of weeks. It's been so misarable.
This weekend however we had the most amazing sunny weather. It's been such a pleasure that we couldn't help but make the most of it. Here are some pics of what we were up to:
Hope you all have a good week!
I'll be back again soon,
T xxx
This weekend however we had the most amazing sunny weather. It's been such a pleasure that we couldn't help but make the most of it. Here are some pics of what we were up to:
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Saturday explorings |
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Strong cappuccino for me and Horlicks milkshake for Joe |
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Can you tell the time? |
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About to head onto the 'Boomslang' |
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#selfie |
I bought myself a new camera on Sunday morning - so had to go for a little stroll along the Sea Point Promenade to try it out - what do you think? |
Having a little 'me' moment captured by Joe |
Lunch was so good at The Tea Room on Saturday we had to g o back for more.. |
And yes I had this waffle for lunch! I saw someone have it on Saturday and I just HAD to try it! It did NOT disappoint! |
Hope you all have a good week!
I'll be back again soon,
T xxx
Friday, 14 February 2014
Day of Love
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope all your days are filled with love and laughter
Lots of love from me
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Bianca Adventures - Kalk Bay
Today Joe and I had the privilege of taking Bianca on a little adventure to Kalk Bay.
We had the best time ever! So much fun :)
Here are some photos to show just how much!
We had the best time ever! So much fun :)
Here are some photos to show just how much!
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