Friday, 22 August 2014

Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #8

Hello everyone!

WOW - can't believe it's Friday again!  
Hope you've all had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend!
I'm going camping for the first time in a LONG time - so I'm excited about that :)

I'd like to share some info with you guys about something that I really struggle with.  
You guessed it - PORTION CONTROL!

I don't really have a major problem with what I eat... but portions... hmmm... that's a problem. 
I tend to taste test while I cook... not the best thing...

So - here is a guide I found and it's really helped me a lot!
Hope it'll give you a bit on an insight into what healthy portions are.

Please remember that these portions are for meals as well as regular snacking throughout the day - so please don't use this as an excuse to starve yourself.  Eating very little is not always the best way.  
I find I binge less on things I shouldn't have and lose weight more consistently when I eat more regularly - even if it's just a handful of nuts.  That's my opinion anyway :)

Hope this helps just a little.  Please share some of your tips in the comments below - I would love to hear from you!

Lots of love,
T xx

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