Friday, 4 July 2014

Fitness Friday - Wellness Challenge - Week #1

Welcome to the first Fitness Friday EVER!  

OK - so as I mentioned before, I'm trying to work on my general well being - which to me is finding a balance incorporating both health and fitness.  There are so many different 'diets' or eating plans out there at the moment - so I'm trying to find what works for me.  I'm not quite sure if avoiding certain food groups completely is right for me at this stage, but I'm definitely going to try and cut down on some and increase others.

I've made a short list of things I'd like to focus on and see if I notice any changes.

* Never skip breakfast!
* Have a high protein breakfast
* Drink more water
* Eat less sugar (artificial sugars - I'm not going to cut out any high sugar content veggies or fruit)
* Eat more green veggies
* Limit refined carbs (white pasta, white bread, white rice) - substitute with brown rice, quinoa and wholewheat pasta when possible
* Exercise a min of 4 times a week (ideally 2 days cardio & 2 days strength / weight training)  

And last but not least - my biggest problem I think - Portion control!

So here we go!  Who's gonna join me?   

My challenge to you
Choose 2 of the above and try and stick to them as best you can for the next week. 

Keep me posted :)

Happy Friday everyone!
Lots of love,


  1. I am a bit sad hey, first weigh-in was not so good for me, gained 0.3kg - but I think it's because I have so many clothes on (LOL).

    Anyways I am SUPER excited about starting the challenging once again. YIPPEE!! There is no better time to lose weight than in Winter. Not only does the challenge do good to my weight and fitness, but it also changes my attitude, I feel great each and everyday...I am more happier and alive.

    The past month or so I have been so lazy to do any workout, but surprisingly yesterday I woke up at 5:30 and started doing my HipHop ABS exercises.....fetl soooo GOOD. No dairy, no artificial sugars, no COFFEE, no bread, rice and potatoes! HEALTHY EATING all the way. Pity I can't say no to red meat (LOL).

    Lets do this ladies :)


  2. Thanks so much for sharing Yanga! WOW - well done for getting up so early to do a workout! Doing a workout in the morning seems to keep me on track way better for the rest of the day - it's just getting up early that's the biggest challenge! So well done :)
