Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Workout #1

Hello Sweet Peas!

So the last couple of weeks I have not been on my A game at all.. in general really..
I just have to let all the frustration go and try and be better in the next few days and weeks to get back into a more positive routine.

Since I sit at a desk all day - and I have a slightly skew spine - I often struggle with back pains..  I really find that regular exercise helps, so when it starts feeling achy I know it's time to kick the workouts into Go-Gear..

So I thought - as I ease myself back into it I'll share with you what I'm doing when I workout.
I'm by no means a trainer and have had to training experience, so this is not an official workout per say.  

Just me sharing what I do - that's all :)  
Maybe it'll inspire or guide - let me know if it does!


Treadmill: 5 minutes waking - 6km/hour

Treadmill: 15 minutes running - 10km/hour

2 x 25 squats 
(Feet hip distance apart and toes facing forward. Be sure knees don't go over your toes)

2 x 25 sumo squats 
(Feet wider apart and toes facing out about 45 degrees)

2 x 25 pulse lunges - right

2 x 25 pulse lunges - left

2 x 15 ladies pushups
(On knees. Hands the width of a workout mat. Back straight. Don't stick bum into the air)

1 minute plank
(I do it on my elbows.  Back straight. Don't stick bum into the air)


 Happy sweating!

Big hug, 
T xx

Monday, 2 February 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Weekly Polish

Happy Monday Sweetpeas!!

I have a little nail polish fetish - but who doesn't right?
How cute is this colour!!

So my nails are quite thin and if I use normal polish it usually doesn't last longer than my next hair wash.  So I always need to do my nails the same night I wash my hair to maximise.

I've done Gelish and similar as well and love the effect and durability.  My nails definitely take a bit of a beating after multiple applications is a row though.  So wouldn't do it regularly.

I saw this the other day and it caught my eye.  I saw it again at Woolies in Canal Walk and I just couldn't resist trying this out.

So I'll be doing my nails tonight and I'm going to try and keep it on for the 7 days.
It'll be a good test and if it works I'll be sure to go and get some more of their colours.

Have any of you tried this brand?

I'll post a pic of my nails on Instagram later so you can see the end result.  
So checkout my account!

Sending lots of love your way!

Love T xx

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year friends!

I hope that it's a blessed year for all of us and that we are able to create many special memories with our loved ones and friends.

Lets set ourselves some healthy goals and just be happy positive people!

Here's to a GREAT 2015!