Friday, 24 January 2014

A little older, a little wiser

So today is my birthday! Yay!  Happy Birthday to me!  I'm 31 years YOUNG today!

I've been a little quiet the last few months.. 2013 was a little on the crazy side for my family and I.
Seeing that I am starting a new year today - I thought it would be fitting to look back at the last year and remember all the things I have that I am thankful for.

The people - The love - The memories - The experiences - The challenges

All these things shape us into the people we are destined to be.  Whether good or bad.  Whether they make sense or none at all.  Whether they make us feel happy or sad.  They are all part of the plan somehow.

I am thankful for the year I have had and the things I have learned.  And I have faith that there is a big plan for me and I'm excited to find out what it is.

Here are a few photos from the last year.  So many beautiful memories.  Thank you to all of you that played a part.

Most amazing 30th birthday present ever from my sister!
A very special friend's wedding - was blessed to be a bridesmaid

My cuz came to visit!

A precious few minutes with a very special person

Gotta love an amazing beach like this!

Special moment with my lovely mom

Many weekend coffee outings with my love

Special times with special people in Mauritius

Love and sunshine - what more does one need?

Absolute bliss!


Some time at the farm

This gorgeous girl makes my love tank overflow

Special family moments

Unforgettable memories

4th Wedding anniversary in Stellenbosch

Making time to smell the flowers

The 3 men in my life

Two princesses


Beach - Sun - Love - Happiness

Happy weekend everyone!

Lots of love, T xx