Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Recent finds...

Hello y'all...

The last couple of weeks have been a bit crazy as the year is finally drawing to an end... Work has been crazy and I'm so looking forward to a little summer holiday at home in the beautiful Mother City.

Will hopefully be sharing some exciting summer pics over the next little while - yay!

As we have been preparing for Christmas and getting a few gifts here and there - me, the shopaholic could obviously not resist a few items for myself...  * blush *

I thought why not share a few of these as they make make good gift ideas or stocking fillers - or maybe just a spoil for yourself... You deserve it!  I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like its has been a long (and oddly short) crazy year and looking forward to a new start with 2013.

#1      Levis Jeans

I have found a new favourite store - Levis at Access Park...  They have jeans for R300 (less than HALF what they are in the store!)  As I have a bit more of a butt than most, it's usually quite hard for me to find jeans that aren't half way down my butt when I sit down - I hate that!  Levis have the Curve range which I'm now addicted to.  I found my perfect jeans  Yippee!!

#2      Hot Pink Nail Varnish

I found this new brand at DisChem at Canal Walk.  I hate nail polish that chips almost immediately - especially after you have to apply like 4 coats to get a solid streak free colour.  I've spent the R100 price range for nail polish, but seeing that my nails are quite thin and it never lasts more than 2 days I don't bother any more.   This one cost around R40 and only needs 2 coats for a gorgeous full colour.   You cold even get away with only 1 if  you're in a rush.  Bonus!

#3      On the Go!  

This fast drying top coat from essie is worth the R180! (Available from DisChem, selected Clicks stores and Wellness Warehouse to name a few)  You can apply to to any nail polish - cheap or expensive and it will give you the most amazing glossy manicured finish... without fingerprints or hear streaks!  See above photo for proof :)

#4      Dead Sea Body Scrub

I'm sure you all now those gorgeous Israeli sales seducers (they take sales a whole other level!) in all the malls... Yes?  Well, I'm not sure about you, but after months of staring from far and then keeping my head down as I get closer and politely saying "no thanks"... They got me!  Not my finest moment but never the less... I ended up with a body scrub and body butter which cost just a little less than a fortune... Needless to say the product is amazing and sells soooo good!  Mine is almost done and today when I popped into DisChem after work I found this product - also from the Dead Sea - same concept... For... wait for it... R80! Yip... They have a few fragrances, but I chose the Vanilla - my favourite!  So as I sit here typing this my skin feels amazing and I smell like Vanilla - bliss... It's perfect for after days at the beach when your skin just needs a little extra 'something'...

So that's it from me for now... Happy shopping and enjoy getting ready for Christmas and of course the summer weather that has finally arrived!
