Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Workout #1

Hello Sweet Peas!

So the last couple of weeks I have not been on my A game at all.. in general really..
I just have to let all the frustration go and try and be better in the next few days and weeks to get back into a more positive routine.

Since I sit at a desk all day - and I have a slightly skew spine - I often struggle with back pains..  I really find that regular exercise helps, so when it starts feeling achy I know it's time to kick the workouts into Go-Gear..

So I thought - as I ease myself back into it I'll share with you what I'm doing when I workout.
I'm by no means a trainer and have had to training experience, so this is not an official workout per say.  

Just me sharing what I do - that's all :)  
Maybe it'll inspire or guide - let me know if it does!


Treadmill: 5 minutes waking - 6km/hour

Treadmill: 15 minutes running - 10km/hour

2 x 25 squats 
(Feet hip distance apart and toes facing forward. Be sure knees don't go over your toes)

2 x 25 sumo squats 
(Feet wider apart and toes facing out about 45 degrees)

2 x 25 pulse lunges - right

2 x 25 pulse lunges - left

2 x 15 ladies pushups
(On knees. Hands the width of a workout mat. Back straight. Don't stick bum into the air)

1 minute plank
(I do it on my elbows.  Back straight. Don't stick bum into the air)


 Happy sweating!

Big hug, 
T xx

Monday, 2 February 2015